Emma Walquist presenting her research with Dr. McDonald at MPA in Chicago

PEP lab learns TMI about each other playing “what do you meme.”

Cider Mill PEP Lab Outing. Goats were fed. Donuts were eaten. And a nice Fall walk was taken.

PEP Lab goes Fowling (football bowling) in Hamtramck!

Dr. McDonald presenting her research at HBES in Aarhus, Denmark

Adam Tratner (left) wins “Best Presentation” at the OU Graduate Student Research Conference

The women of the PEP Lab secure a triple victory over the men!

Domenic and Rachel presenting at SPSP in NOLA (2020)
Dr. McDonald delivers a plenary address to the 3rd Brazilian Meeting on Evolution and Human Behavior

PEP Lab Game Night (Jonah is the best snake-oil salesman of the bunch)

PEP Lab laser tag shenanigans; Massimo destroyed everyone.

Jonah’s Master’s Graduation!

PEP Lab Holiday Stockings made by Brenna!

Olivia Collins presenting her Honor's Thesis at the Meeting of Minds Conference

Adam Tratner presenting his research at the OU Graduate Student Research Conference (2020)

Brenda Echeverri graduating with her MS degree in Psychology!

PEP Lab Game Night! Not everyone was happy with the outcome, lol

Dr. McDonald presenting at MPA in Chicago

OU faculty and student meet-up at the MPA Conference in Chicago

Dr. McDonald giving a talk at SPSP 2025